Nuclear deterrence
Livermore joins with Oak Ridge and Argonne to develop next supercomputers
The Lab has joined forces with two other national labs to deliver next generation supercomputers able to perform up to 200 peak petaflops (quadrillions of floating point operations per second), about 10 times faster than today's most powerful high performance computing (HPC) systems. The Collaboration of Oak Ridge, Argonne and Livermore (CORAL) national labs will produce…
Laser fusion experiment yields record energy at LLNL's National Ignition Facility
LIVERMORE, Calif. -- In the early morning hours of Aug.13, Lawrence Livermore's National Ignition Facility (NIF) focused all 192 of its ultra-powerful laser beams on a tiny deuterium-tritium filled capsule. In the nanoseconds that followed, the capsule imploded and released a neutron yield of nearly 3x10 15 , or approximately 8,000 joules of neutron energy -- approximately…
Charles Verdon selected as Lawrence Livermore principal associate director for Weapons & Complex Integration
LIVERMORE, Calif. -- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Director Parney Albright has selected Charles Verdon as principal associate director for Weapons & Complex Integration . Verdon has served in this position in an acting capacity since April 2013."Charlie brings an extraordinarily broad national security technical leadership background and expertise to this…
Early science runs prepare Lawrence Livermore National Lab's Sequoia for national security missions
Sequoia, a world-class IBM BlueGene/Q computer sited at LLNL for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), is exploring a broad range of science to shakeout the machine and fully develop the capabilities the system will require to fulfill its national security missions, starting early next year. Researchers from NNSA's three nuclear weapons laboratories are…
NNSA stockpiles stewardship science talent
Among the hundreds of students spending their summer at the Lab are five graduate students from universities across the United States who were selected for a prestigious multi-year fellowship.Matthew Buckner, Jordan McDonnell, Joshua Renner, Richard Kraus and Anna Nikiforova have been participating in the Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF), a four-year program…